Send notifications

in the Vaya Visitor App

Send notifications

In this tutorial we show you how to schedule or send notifications directly via the dedicated CMS of the Vaya Visitor App.

Contents of this page:

Create a new notification
Schedule a notification
The expiration date of a notification
Selecting recipients
Clickable notifications



Logged-in app users receive automatically generated notifications of messages received and about meetings with other visitors to the event. You can also create, schedule and send custom notifications in the CMS.

You do this via Scheduled notifications that you will find in the menu on the left under Guests:



Email notifications
For both automated and manual notifications, guests will be informed by email. This increases interaction and adoption of your web app. These personalized emails are sent every hour during the event, once a day before and after the event. Users can easily unsubscribe from these email notifications. If you would like no notification emails to be sent at all, please let us know!

High priority
There is an option available to send notifications with high priority. The message will then be sent separately from the digest emails, either immediately or at a pre-set time.


Creating a new notification

With the black plus at the top right of the overview you can create a new notification:


You can see for each notification whether and when it was sent, to how many users and by how many users the notification was viewed. With the trash can you can delete notifications, if necessary or desired.

If you have clicked on the plus, you can get started and create a notification. The image below shows an example in Dutch of a notification that is sent directly (that is, within a maximum of one minute) to all app users as soon as the Save button is pressed:



Schedule a notification

You can also schedule notifications to be sent at a later time. You do this by choosing the option 'At a scheduled time' at Sending moment and entering a date and time. You can type this manually, but to be sure you use the correct format, we suggest to use the calendar for this:


If you choose a sending time in the past, the notification will be sent immediately.

De expiration date of a notification

You can optionally give the notification an expiration date. As soon as a notification is no longer relevant, app users will no longer receive notifications about it. Use the time and date picker under No longer relevant


Select recipients

Depending on the settings for your event, you can also send notifications to part of your visitors. You do this via the Recipients field. In the pull-down you will see different options to select recipients:

  • All guests: this allows you to send a notification to all your guests.
  • Filtered guests: allows you to select recipients of your notification based on guest attributes. These filters are prepared for you by the Invitado specialist.
  • Guests with bookmarked item: this allows you to send your notification to guests who have saved a part of your event as a favorite in the app.
  • Guests with booked item: this sends your notification to guests who have registered for a specific session.
  • Specific guests: this sends your notification to one or more guests, picked manually from the guest list.


In the testing phase, use the last option and send test notifications only to yourself. This way you prevent all your guests from receiving notification emails!


Clickable notifications

You can create clickable notifications by using the field Redirect type.

  • If you choose the option Internal page, you can select a page within the app from a pull-down that opens as soon as the user of the app clicks on the notification.
  • If you choose the option External website, you can enter a url (starting with https://). When the user of the app clicks on the notification, the relevant web page is opened.
  • If you choose the option Entity item, you can link to a specific item within a bucket used in your Vaya app.

Still not getting there?

We are there to help you, give us a call at +31 (0) 88 99 87 444, but you can also send us an e-mail at


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