Scan and print

with Saludo and our scan stations

Scan and print

In this tutorial we will show you how to use the Saludo Scanning & Badges software to scan tickets and e-tickets and print badges with our scanning stations. Start up, log in, scan, print, search and register manually? Yes you scan!

Contents of this page:

Open Saludo on the scanning laptop
Log in
Scan tickets
Reprint a badge
Find a guest
Register a guest


Open Saludo on the scanning laptop

The shortcut to the Saludo software can be found on the desktop of the scanning laptop. Open the software via the following icon:


The first time you start the app, you may see the message 'Waiting for initial sync' for a few seconds.


Log in

Usernames and passwords? We don't do that in this case! You can easily (and appropriately) log in to the Saludo Scan App by... scanning a QR code.


You will receive this QR code from the organization or from the Invitado employee who is present at the venue. Keep this QR code safe, because if you have to log in again (see below) you will need it again. Once you have scanned your QR code, the screen will turn pink-orange and you are ready to scan tickets. After logging in for the first time, you may be logged out again after a few seconds. This is normal. In that case, scan your QR code again.


When the screen is black-gray, you are logged out (again). For security reasons, this happens automatically if you have not used the app for 5 minutes. You can also log out manually via logout at the bottom left of the screen. You can log in again via the QR code provided.

If multiple scanning activities are possible for your account and with your QR code, first select the correct activity after logging in. You can switch between the available activities via Status / Identity.


Scan tickets

If you have scanned an e-ticket, three different results are possible:


1. Success (green)

Everthing allright! A high-pitched notification tone sounds. The ticket is valid, the guest was expected and if you also print badges, they will immediately come out of the printer. Next please! (Yes, you can continue scanning immediately!)


2. No guests found (orange-pink)

Oops... We can't do anything with this QR code. The ticket therefore does not grant access.


3. Scan failed (red)

A low notification tone sounds. The QR code is linked to a guest who is in the system, but does not have the correct access rights. For example, because the guest has unsubscribed or because the QR code has already been used once, while this is only allowed once.


Good to know: an overview of the last three scan jobs and the associated status is shown on the scan screen. In the image above, the last two scans were incorrect. These are marked in red.


Reprint a badge

Did the scan go well, but did the badge not come out of the printer properly? You can then reprint the last printed badge via Reprint at the bottom left of your screen.


Find a guest

In Saludo it is possible to search for guests manually, for example if a guest does not have his e-ticket with him. If this option is activated for the event where you are scanning, it will be displayed above the search bar in the scanning screen as follows:


The data you can search on varies per event. This usually concerns first name, last name and company name, or part thereof. The best results are achieved if you search for one word. When you search by surname, leave out prefixes such as van and de.

If your guest's name contains special characters (for example letters with accents), you can ignore them in the search bar. For example, just search for a if you want to search for á, or in a German name, type ss instead of the German ringel-s (ß).

Start the search with the Enter key. You will then see the search results:


If the guest you are looking for can be scanned, a black scan button will appear. By clicking on this (or by typing the number in front of it and confirming with the Enter key) you simulate a scanning action. The scan result is displayed, a sound signal sounds, any badge automatically rolls out of the printer and the guest is allowed to enter. If the scan button is missing, the guest will not have access to the event, for example because he has already been scanned.

Via Back to start (or with the Esc key) you return to the scan screen.


Register a guest

Depending on the settings for the event where you are scanning, there is also the option to register guests. In that case, a + icon with register will appear at the bottom left of your screen. This button opens a simple registration form, which could look like this:


Once you have entered the visitor's details (fields with a * are required) and saved them via the black button, the guest is immediately scanned and can enter. The corresponding badge rolls directly out of the printer.



You can check the status of the scanning station in the right part of the bar at the bottom of your screen. You will find the following information:


Network - if it says offline (as in the image above) there is no internet available at this time. You can continue scanning as normal, but if multiple scanning stations are active, it is possible that a ticket is used multiple times. Synchronization will automatically resume when an internet connection is available again.

Event - the name of the event.

Identity - the number and location of the scanning station. Depending on the settings, by clicking on this part of the screen you can see which guests are inside and who is still expected. This is also where you can switch between different scanning activities if they are available for your account.

Unconfirmed - the number of scans that have not yet been synchronized with the central registration database, for example because there is no internet connection available. Ensure an internet connection to synchronize the local scan data with the server. This is especially important after the check in!

Printer - the type of printer and any messages from the printer, such as 'paper out' and 'ribbon out'. In that case, a new roll of labels and a new print ribbon must be placed respectively. When the printer is paused, it can be reactivated with the button at the top of the printer.

Still not getting there?

We are there to help you, give us a call at +31 (0) 88 99 87 444, but you can also send us an e-mail at

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