Your homepage

in the Vaya Visitor App

Your homepage

In this tutorial we show you how to use and manage the homepage of the Vaya Visitor App in the dedicated CMS of your event app.

Contents of this page:

Image and intro text
News items 
Cards with highlighted content



Any page can be the opening page to your app. In practice, however, a page of the Home page type will be used for this. And that's exactly what this tutorial is about. This type of page consists of a number of elements, which we will take a closer look at on this page.

If you go to Pages (in the left bar under the Content heading) and scroll down, you can set which page in the app serves as the starting page - in most cases this will be a page of the type Home page. Below you can choose the pages (maximum 4) that will be shown as a shortcut in the footer bar of your app:


Image and intro text

You can provide the homepage with a header photo (logo) and an intro text. Both are optional.

The size of the image (PNG or JPG) is free, but for an optimal display we recommend a PNG with a width of 960 pixels. A WYSIWYG field (similar to Word) is available for the text. We recommend that you keep this text concise.



You can add the other content on the homepage of your app in the form of widgets. You will find these widgets in the CMS at the very bottom of the page where you manage the content for your homepage. The following widgets are available:

  • Social timeline - a random post from the social timeline is shown here.
  • Cards - cards with featured content are shown here. Read more about the use and possibilities of these cards below.
  • E-ticket - when the user is logged in, the QR code of his e-ticket is shown on the app's homepage. If the user is not logged in, this widget will not be displayed.
  • News - published news items are shown here. How to publish news items, you can read below.
  • Notifications - if the user is logged in, the last three unread notifications are displayed on the app's homepage. If the user is not logged in or there are no unread notifications, this widget will not be displayed.
  • Upcoming personal program - this widget shows active and soon to start program items from the user's personal program.


News items

Keep your visitors informed and your homepage dynamic by regularly publishing news items. These appear on the home page. You will find the News Items module in the CMS on the page you use to manage your homepage.


Use the arrows on the right to determine the order of the news articles. With the pencil you can edit an existing message. You can delete a message using the trash can.

You add an article via the plus in the black circle. Then enter the (internal) title that you see in the overview above under Name. At Title, enter the title of your message as seen by the user of the app. There is room for a subtitle in the Subtitle field.

Tip: Use the Subtitle field for the publication date!


You can then place and design your article in the WYSIWYG text field. For the image (JPG or PNG) we also recommend a size of 800 x 450 pixels.

You can manually make the post visible and invisible, but you can also set the publication date and time. When the message is published in the app (postponed publishing) and when it disappears from the app, you can set in the following way:


As soon as you save your message with one of the three buttons at the bottom, your article is published and immediately visible in the app. With the first button you can then immediately create the next article, with the second you return to the overview and with the third you stay on the current page.


Cards with highlighted content

On the homepage there is room for clickable cards, which take the user directly to an underlying page. These are the blocks in the blue frame below.


You can place up to 8 cards. We recommend limiting the number to four. The cards can refer to items within the so-called buckets that have been created for your app, for example speakers, program components or exhibitors. You can refer to a specific item (fixed entity), or display a rotating random item (random entity).

In the first example, we add a card to highlight a random program element:


In the second example, we add a card to speaker Taco Tornado:


Still not getting there?

We are there to help you, give us a call at +31 (0) 88 99 87 444, but you can also send us an e-mail at


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