Registration and matchmaking
The interactive possibilities of the Transmisión Livestreams platform were used for about 35 of the more than 100 sessions. More than 2700 'INNOmembers' registered online via our system. To help them finding their way through the very comprehensive program, but also to bring these employees into contact with colleagues in other departments and organizations, our advanced matchmaking tool Conector was used. With Conector Matchmaking we established connections during this hybrid conference, organized by D&B Eventmarketing.
Custom Plaza
From 3 to 27 November, the theme of innovation was highlighted on the basis of six themes: three internal innovation themes (innovating with data, innovating the civil servant and innovating services) and three social innovation themes (innovation for safety and justice, for sustainability and for liveability and mobility). These themes were not only reflected in the sessions, but also in the INNOvember website we developed. This website functioned as a Plaza during and even after the event.
Read more about our streaming platform